
Spontaneity © Benoît Labourdette.
Poem in automatic writing about « Spontaneity »
What I write, even if it seems like nonsense, is a material, and I can do many things with it. Screening of “Barcelona hotel”, a film by Benoît Labourdette (4’48, 2012). And when encounters take place, it is a real of real existence that emerges, just as gametes that meet to give life to a being, it is chance that makes them meet and combine, and it is this chance, linked to all the meaning that precedes it, that makes something unique, life itself. The fact that I work on the encounter, fortuitous, if you will, it really, really makes sense. My job is to make these openings to the creativity of each spectator. My way of creating, spontaneous, intuitive, produces in people’s minds many things, which belong to them. Putting up fewer barriers. Not to restrict myself anymore. For example, the album “Sheller en solitaire”, where he is alone at the piano singing, is much better than the same songs recorded in studio, with all the orchestrations, which must have required infinitely more production time. I often like the more spontaneous things much more than the prepared ones.


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Photographs, paintings, drawings, assemblies and texts by Benoît Labourdette (unless otherwise stated).

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