
Brittany © Benoît Labourdette.
Poem in automatic writing about « Brittany »
Link to the article on Le Télégramme : A postcard seems to come to life, and write its own legend. We hope to co-construct tracks for the implementation of cinematic cultural projects that are antifragile in Pandemic. Then we do, as a group, a quick editing of the plans (I manipulate the editing software, which everyone sees on the screen). How can a simple place become the crucible for the revelation of our childhood memories? The scope of this study is defined as follows: Hybrid in essence, artistic creation in a digital environment is characterized by the multidisciplinary nature of the artistic forms called upon (music, visual and sound arts, architecture, cinema, theater, dance...) and the use of technology and/or science to invent new languages and new artistic writing. who can tell so much, if you linger for a moment.

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Photographs, paintings, drawings, assemblies and texts by Benoît Labourdette (unless otherwise stated).

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