
Artist © Benoît Labourdette.
Poem in automatic writing about « Artist »
Today, after the event, the platform gathers nearly 300 videos and allows to explore the Connexion project in a playful way, in its artistic, collaborative and partnership dimensions. I’m starting to feel legitimate as an artist myself. La Veranda, an exhibition place for young digital creation in the Centre region of France (a structure of the association Plan libre créations) proposes a solo exhibition of my recent video work, 18 and 19 June 2014. It’s not about social sycophancy to exist as an artist, it’s just about working in the places that are important to you, and therefore ultimately important to others. Work in places that are important to you. The question remains for me. It’s just a matter of the act. Being an artist is not a state, it is a decision of each moment. Video-vegetal installation. But they’re not particularly intrusive films either, really. The risk. Lil’art is the annual event for the development and the meeting of the artists of the city of Lilas. I invited to ownership, the simplicity and the requirement of today audiovisual creation tools.

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Photographs, paintings, drawings, assemblies and texts by Benoît Labourdette (unless otherwise stated).

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