
Abstraction © Benoît Labourdette.

Abstraction is a philosophical, artistic, computer and psychological concept. In psychology, it is the ability to mentally construct conceptual objects, i.e. objects that do not exist in reality. It is one of the essential points of difference between homo sapiens and other animal species. In computer science, it is a representation in a high-level language, which brings together in an intelligible way a large number of low-level operations, we speak of an “abstraction layer”. In art, it is about representations that do not seek to represent reality. In philosophy, it is the production of a concept. My creative work often concerns abstraction, in these different meanings.

Poem in automatic writing about « Abstraction »
The small trace left on a surface, on a “skin”, is perhaps the most important thing there is. Portions of a building, which transform the bodies of humans who cross. Light is what gives existence. This installation was made ​​from 5 May to 2 November 2014. Lateral travelling. Primitive motion pictures. Kaleidoscopes. My kaleidoscopes are my obsession, and that’s not a bad thing. Looking at our journey, floor by floor, is not so nostalgic; it is also to decipher it in order to better draw the continuation of the journey. Speaking words is like drawing your own life line. What is architecture, what is a place, how do you envisage ?

Imagine Absence

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Photographs, paintings, drawings, assemblies and texts by Benoît Labourdette (unless otherwise stated).

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